The Medform clinic seeks to provide its clients with a complete health and well-being that crosses interventions from different disciplines. Mental health or just “health of the mind”, when balanced, allows the person to build a fuller self and maximizes the value and effectiveness of other medical, dental, surgical, therapeutic, physical and aesthetic treatments.
Throughout our life we face situations, events, experiences, which we often have difficulty in perceiving, defining, accepting what they really are. They can be crises, life episodes or specific situations that cause discomfort and discomfort, and we try to resolve them immediately. Like? Alone or asking for help from those closest to us,… but is that the answer we need? What if these situations become recurrent, interfering with daily routines? Is it fair to abandon ourselves? DO NOT. Expert help is inevitable. Look for us, and you can find specialized intervention strategies. We value and adapt our intervention to each case. Book your appointment now.
We are a family owned and operated business.
Main Areas of Intervention:
Psychological Assessment,
Psychological Monitoring,
Psychotherapy / Ludotherapy
Support Therapy,
Vocational orientation
Psychopedagogical support;
Family support;
Among others.
Self image;
Learning Difficulties (dyslexia, dysgraphia, dysortography, dyscalculia, among others) and School Adaptation;
Disorders of Elimination (enuresis and encopresis);
Eating Behavior Disorders (anorexia, bulimia, ...);
Sleep disturbances (insomnia, nightmares, night terrors);
Disruptive Behavior Disorders (hyperactivity disorder with and without attention deficit; behavioral disorders; opposition behavior);
Phobias (eg social, animals, enclosed spaces, driving, needles, dentist);
Mood Problems (depressed, bipolar, mood);
Personality Disorders;
Vocational indecision;
Excessive fears;
Adaptation to changing situations;
Trauma and Post-Traumatic Stress;
Disturbing Memories;
Adaptation to chronic diseases;
Problems associated with physical illnesses;
In therapeutic intervention, we emphasize the appropriateness of the best technique and strategy for each individual, based on an eclectic and integrating perspective of what is - and should be - the clinical activity in Psychology. As complementary and integrative techniques of other approaches (cognitive-behavioral, client-centered, systemic, psychodynamic ...), we highlight two neuropsychological techniques: Brainspotting and EMDR.
Still in the area of Neuropsychology, we emphasize the domain of neurosciences and neurocognition and the repercussions or manifestations of a cognitive and behavioral nature, in the interrelation with the brain area (s) affected.
The intervention takes into account performance and cognitive functions, highlighting language, attention, executive functions and memory.
The most common clinical pictures of this discipline can be listed: Dementias (or Dementia States, such as Alzheimer's and Mild Cognitive Deficit); Epilepsy; Cranio-Brain Injuries; Stroke; Multiple sclerosis; Lowering Cognitive and Intellectual Capabilities, among others.
Look for this query when you identify some of the following difficulties: irritability; impulsivity; recognize important people; perception; memory; inability to complete tasks or decide; disorientation; planning; deconcentration; among others.
The first consultations in this area of Psychology are intended to assess the degree of dysfunctionality of the patient's symptoms, the interference in the day-to-day, allowing to equate the possible diagnosis (s) associated (s). Then, the pertinence of the follow-up is evaluated, with the whole therapeutic aspect, specific to the difficulties and the patient, being followed.
Brainspotting - technique developed by David Grand, Ph.D, and works as a neurobiological tool used in the therapeutic process in order to treat symptoms that cannot be elaborated by our conscience, promoting a physiological change with psychological consequences.
Brainspotting allows the identification of imbalances, so that the body processes the imbalance and a more adaptive and healthy state for the patient appears. For more information see
EMDR (Desensitization and Reprocessing through Eye Movement), a therapy developed by Dr. Francine Shapiro, in the 1980s, has been one of the most widely researched psychotherapeutic methods in the USA, with special recommendation from the American Psychiatric Association.
This technique can help to alleviate clinical complaints by processing the components of disturbing memories. Information processing occurs when the targeted memory is linked with other, more adaptable information. (eg instead of: It was my fault !, the person thinks: I did the best I could!) For more information see